The Best Out of the World Full Figure Swimsuits

Everyone who has a full figure thinks that Swimming and Full Figures do not go together!

I’m here to tell you that you are so wrong.  Full Figure women love swimming and will love having a Swimsuit that is comfortable, looks really nice and is at the same time is stylish.

full figure swimsuits, full figure swim dresses, full figure women's beach wear

Plus Size Fun in the Sun

Activity for everyone is important and Full Figure women need activity too.  Sometimes the reason that women become fuller figured is that there are certain activities that are difficult to do.  Or maybe they have other issues with their health that does not allow them to do other activities.

Swimsuits are colorful, have support for the bustline and coverage too. What more could you ask for? Each of these suits is absolutely beautiful.

Right now we are just getting into the late spring and early summer. Depending on where you live, you might already be in a pool somewhere getting wet and enjoying the water activities.  Or maybe you are heading south for some pre-summer sun.  Be ready for some water activities and jump right in.

What if you have other problems?

Now I’m going to bring up a problem that I have with swimming and my Full Figured self.  Not too many people will admit this, but I am a realist and I want to be able to go swimming without worrying about my “little problems”.

When I get out of the water, I find that I don’t like that my thighs tend to rub together.  This is probably me, being a little too sensitive to the fact that I have a little more weight on my legs than I would like to have.  But guess what?

I’m here to give you an easy rescue plan!

There are many women today that prefer to dress more modestly when they go swimming.  They either opt for a Swim Dress or they will go swimming in athletic wear that was originally intended for yoga or some other form of exercise classes.

Yoga wear can easily double as swimwear.  It is so much more comfortable to get out of the pool and not have your legs rubbing together.  It also looks really nice with some of the tops being very colorful and bright.

If it is your intention to lose weight by swimming, then this is a perfect way to do it,  When you start to see results, you can slip back to the bathing suit or swim dress idea.  Or continue to wear yoga style activewear.

Most of the time, there is no hard and fast rule about what is appropriate swimwear.  So whatever you are comfortable in,  will work quite nicely.

The most important thing is that you are getting out and doing some kind of activity.  It will make you feel better just to move those muscles.

Swimming or walking in a pool is my preferred fitness routine.  It is easy to do and works well on the arms and legs.  The joints are not overworked with pounding on the pavement, yet still get a great workout.

My other idea of a great workout is indeed Yoga.  Stretching and holding a position for a counted period is a great workout as well.  Not strenuous on the joints and if you can’t do the poses today, keep trying.  All of a sudden, your flexibility is much better.   Thank yoga for that.  Many women are too shy to join a yoga class.  They are uncomfortable with their Full Figures.  I tell you, that is a stumbling block you put in your own way.

If you don’t want to join a group of like minded women (of all sizes), then you have the option of doing yoga routines at home as well.  Pop in a DVD that will walk you through the poses and when you are comfortable, do join a group. The group not only is a social time, but they will also encourage you to try a little harder. We sometimes can use that extra encouragement.

The Bottom Line is, it does not matter what size you are, so long as you are healthy and can get around.  If you have issues with mobility due to arthritis or other illnesses, then find something that will work for you.

I like the Full Figure Swimsuits that I have chosen to share with you here, but I also like and use the yoga capris for swimming as well.

My mantra is to move my body.  I don’t want to work it till I fall over, but I do want to make it work better.

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