Sweet Dreams are made when Comfort and Luxury come together in Pajamas that you want to indulge in.
I don’t know about you, but for myself personally, Comfortable Pajamas are a must have!
I am one of those people who just needs to feel warm, cozy and at ease in my nightclothes. I am a tosser and turner in bed, and I also get hot and cold at a whim it seems. So finding sleepwear that will keep me comfortable all night long is a necessity.
There is no getting around the fact that I like my sleep to be as peaceful and uninterrupted as possible. So, to that end, I will wear pajamas that I can literally “live in”. Working from home is also part of my life, so quite often when I’m feeling inspired to write, I will do so whatever time of day or night it might be.
It is not uncommon to find me still running around in my Pajamas at 11 in the morning. Thank goodness I don’t have many surprise callers, otherwise, they might be treated to my latest night time fashions.
So what happens when someone does come to the door unexpectedly?
No problem for me, everyone who knows me and those who don’t, will find that I’m not a terribly shy person. So if someone does happen to ring me up in the day, and I’m still running around unplugged so to speak, they will be treated to the nicest pajamas and housecoat they ever did see.
Being ready to Face the World
Being ready to face the world requires that I be awake both in mind and spirit. Having had a great night’s sleep will bring my mind and body into focus so much easier than if I had been tossing and turning. Comfortable pajamas are a necessity for me and my crazy life. You may think that because I work at home, there isn’t any pressure! You are wrong. Sometimes I think I work harder, but I don’t mind, because I really like what I do. Where else can you work in your Pajamas until noon if you feel like it?