Summer’s End is Near, New Fall Arrivals Are Here!

New Fall Arrivals for 2020, and Summer is almost a Done Deal

I don’t know how many of you are happy that this years Summer is almost at an end, but I’m sure that many of us are just happy that we are all still here.  Hopefully the next few months will see an easing of many restrictions that are still in place.

One beauty though, is that while we can’t get out and physically shop our favorite stores, many of them have stepped us to our new reality. Charmwish is one of those!

Where will you look when searching out What’s New?

I am happy that I can order what I like and have it delivered to my door without any hassles and without having to mask up and keep my distance.  I even get a discount just for shopping there the first time.

Not only does it allow me some freedoms by shopping from home, but it also offers me some really beautiful clothes too!

Back to School, no problem!

Even your shopping for Back to School can be a money saver!  Charmwish will give you 15% off your purchase just use the code in blue above and you will be directed right to the correct pages.  It can’t be easier than that!

If you are not going back to school, you can still get a discount because at Charmwish there is always something beautiful waiting just for you!

I promise you will find something that just tugs at your fashion senses and that will complete or start your fall wardrobe. I know I have my eyes on some really pretty sweaters that will just make that transition time perfect.

A beautiful Autumn Addition, fall sweaters,

This is one of my favorites that comes in 5 different colors and the price is so right!  You will want more than one!

I also love that the same beautiful pieces for regular sizes are also available in the Plus Sizes as well.  This is  One Place to shop for everyone in the family.

Please stop by and let me know what you think or share your favorite pieces!  I would love to hear from you!

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