Summer Tops, Fall Tops, Winter Tops They are all Here!

It is the end of August and Summer is almost done for 2020!

No this is not another doom and gloom prediction,  summer is almost at an end, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop everything and lock our doors.

Things are just starting to loosen up a little with all the COVID restrictions, so now’s a great time to go through your closets and see what needs up-dating.

tops, tunics, fall styles Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

Personally I love my many different Tops!

When it comes to making my wardrobe work well, I find that pairing tops and bottoms is the way to go!

Instead of one look only with a dress, you can have dozens of looks with one skirt and several different blouses/tops! Whether you are on a budget or not, tops and bottoms still make a lot of sense.


Pairing solids with prints or complimentary solids is one way to make better use of your clothing budget.  I know I love wild prints one day and another might day might be a more sedate color blocking kind of day.  With different tops in my wardrobe, I can choose easily.  My daily mood will tell me which way to go!

Charmwish, has some beautiful tops and T-shirts for you to consider adding to your look!  Graphic T’s, Color Blocks or Tye Dye are all in fashion.

I personally love the longer Tunic type tops.  For myself (being a Plus Size) I love the way they just float over my hips and give me a silhouette  that I truly like. Plus with my endless changes in weight, I can still look good with a few pounds more or a few less.  I don’t have to change my whole wardrobe.


So many beautiful ways to make your wardrobe work for you!

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