Springtime, Amazing Inner Fashions Just In Time for You!

Springtime just screams renew, renew, renew!

If you are anything like me, spring is a great time to check out all those things that are in your lingerie drawer.  Are there things in there that would be better discarded?  Do you need something new for the year to come?  Spring is the time that I check out my wardrobe and make some much needed additions and subtractions.

Intimates, those intimates!

Women’s bras, panties and other unmentionables are one of the many things that we overlook!  The BIG THING is that we really shouldn’t overlook them at all.  Foundation garments, those inner fashions,  are the start of every good look you have.  If your foundations aren’t up to snuff, then nothing else will be either.

Don’t think about it, do it!

It’s time to open that drawer!  You know the one!  It’s full of bras that don’t fit right, bras that have broken underwires, hooks or just have become so misshapen that they don’t do the job anymore.  Have you  lost weight or gained weight?  What’s in that drawer, that just doesn’t fit, anymore!.  Get into that drawer now!  Spring cleaning time has just hit the most basic part of your wardrobe!  Those inner fashions are about to get a makeover!

spring clean my lingerie drawer

My Bra Drawer In need of a Makeover!  Spring cleaning fun!

Where to find some Beautiful and Necessary Undergarments!

There was a time when you could find what you needed almost anywhere.  Times have changed and so has our inner wear.  No longer are we happy with “Granny Bloomers” regardless of our age or size.  We want and demand “nice” underwear!  And we want to be cost effective too!

I’m here to tell you:

You can have both!  Yeah!  Undergarments are staples of every girls wardrobe.  It is essential that you have the right inner garments for the fit of your clothes.  Nothing is more important than feeling good and looking GREAT!

Eve’ s Temptations makes it easy to find some really pretty  Inner Fashions,  at a great price point.


Shop Eve's Temptation Now!

Lots of sizes and colors are available just for you and while you are at it, you need some new bras too!


Shop Eve's Temptation Now!
Until the end of April you can and should restock your bras to the right size and the right style for your immediate use.  No sense in putting off the one thing you know will make you feel and look better.  Do it Now!

Trust me, this will make you feel much better than all the Easter Bunnies that are just waiting in the wings and the excitement of looking good will last longer than the Easter Season too!


Hope you hop on board.


Being a woman, you know there are many in need.  Clean and donate what doesn’t fit to a woman’s shelter or buy some extras and donate them!

Give a hand up to those in need!



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