Fashionable Hoodies for Warmth and Great Style

Hoodies are a fashion statement that crosses many seasons.  I have found some beauties for you!

For in-expensive but very trendy and hip clothing Pizzazz Plus Fashions is the place for you!

Plus sized clothing doesn’t have to be unflattering or only black. I have searched for a wide variety of styles that will be a delight for you to wear. Colorful and well styled, these items are great in your own personal wardrobe.  Playful and fun, or stylish and more serious in look, hoodies can be worn in almost any situation.


Hoodies are no longer the realm of the very young. They are a beautiful addition to anyone's wardrobe.

In spring and fall a hoodie added to whatever else you are wearing, will extend the season. Until we get into the deep part of the winter months, hoodies are a bonus.

Transitional Pieces for your Wardrobe

Even when winter finally arrives (and I'm not hoping for it anytime soon) a hoodie will keep you warm wherever you are going. When you are out doing your grocery shopping, open up your winter coat and stay warm with your hoodie underneath. No sense in getting a chill during the coldest months of the year.

Anyone who lives in the northern parts will understand the benefits of choosing layers of clothing to keep you nice and warm. If it becomes too warm, undo one layer of clothing. If it's not that warm, leave your layers intact!

Preventing colds and flu during the winter!

Layering your clothing allows you options that can make all the difference in the world to your comfort.  When the air gets trapped between the layers, it warms you up and keeps you warm.  If it's too warm, just open up a layer and let the warm air be replaced with cooler air around you.  It's simple and it works quite well.  Having a hoodie on will keep you from getting those chills when a door is opened.  I bet you can even beat getting a cold this winter, by being prepared.  Staying warm and washing your hands often will be the first step in keeping you healthy all through the winter months.

plus sized hoodies, extra large hoodies, hoodies for plus sized

Hoodies for all Your Needs


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  1. I have definitely worn hoodies myself and I am always grateful to have the hood when the chill wind blows. I really don’t like to have to wear the heavier coats during the fall and early spring. Hoodies are the perfect solution for that occasional, but not constant chill.

  2. oooo, I love that longline leopard print hoodie. I hate pullovers, so I’m glad you included other options.

    1. Glad you could find something you liked. I like that one too. I like my sweaters, but it’s really nice to have options….Thanks for your visit Dawn Rae.

  3. It’s certainly getting to be the right weather for wearing hoodies again. These are very stylish.

    1. It is getting quite cool here too. My hoodies are all aired out and ready to rock and roll. But I think I might need a new one or two. thanks for your visit Barbara.

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