Fall is in the Air, Fashion Up for Warmth Now

There is no doubt about it, Fall is in the air and now’s a great time to get those fashion items to keep you warm and toasty right through to 2018!

Fall fashion trends for women include lots of layering and colors galore.  It’s the time of year when nature puts on one really fantastic show of color before everything turns white (or shades thereof)!  Why not join in the celebration of these colors with your own!  The runways were running with red being a great color for this year’s trend.  Everyone has a shade of red that looks great on them including all my (personal) favorite redheads.  fall fashion trends women, fall winter fashion trends, Shades of RED, pizzazzplusfashion

No one is saying to wear only RED!

But if it happens to be one of your favorite colors than you are in luck this year!  You will have no trouble finding those blouses, skirts, scarves and more in varying shades of this rich color.

Here’s just a few examples for you:

Serious Layering can happen with these tops. Layering is the way to go during this transition month. You know that it’s really quite cool in the mornings and you just want to bundle up! Noon comes around and you are so warm that you can’t think straight anymore. So off comes one or two layers that you have on. When 5 o’clock comes around and the sun is slipping quickly in the sky, it’s time to bundle up again, and we happily do! No one wants that chill to grab them after a long day at the office.

Fashioning up for Fall is a lot of fun!

There are so many choices when it comes to fall and winter trends this year.  Besides Red, there is the option of some plaid!  Yes you heard me right  PLAID!  Any kind of PLAID!

There are so many choices when it comes to this fashion staple.  Plaids come in all colors and combinations.  If you are Scottish descent, you can even go for your own family’s tartan.  You will be a knock-out!  Skirts, scarves and jackets are fitting to be worn during the fall months.  This is one fall fashion for women that I particularly like.  It doesn’t take a lot of plaid to make a statement, but you can also go to town with it and not feel overdone. Plaids or tartans are a pattern that has lots of possibilities.  If you pull one of the colors out of the plaid you can accessorize with that color and make your outfit complete and stunning.

All Over Red for Fall Fashion or Just a touch?


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Available in 4 colors, but the RED is just so cute!

Avenue for Women has some beautiful red tops and plaids too!  I saw one that was plaid without being checkered like most plaids are,  it was just a little plaid (sort of abstract)  with a twist!  And I love the blouse they have in a grey with the addition of a plaid border at the hemline.  Very versatile and really comfortable looking.  If red is not the color you want to use on your body, then how about a dash of it at your feet?  These beautiful waterproof booties are just so cute and wearable too!  Newchic has a whole line that will do you proud!  I love, love , love the red booties though and I think I just might have to indulge my senses with a pair or two!

Red for those of you who are a little intimidated by such a bold color, can be successfully used in accessories.  Dress in your standard colors of black, gray or navy and add just a splash of red and you will be trending this fall and winter!

You can read about all the fall and winter trends coming in my last article, “Introducing New Feminine Styles for Fall Fashion Success”

There are trends in fall fashion for women that are just fantastic and everyone has some of these items already.  The idea is to add only those pieces that will make what you already have, fresh!

Stay tuned, there is more to come………because after Fall comes that (love it or hate it) season of winter!  We will want to warm that season up too!

If you want to receive updates, let me know in your comments and I will happily send you the next installment of Olivia’s Fashion Finds!


fall fashion trends women, fall winter fashion trends, fall fashion for women

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  1. I’m not much of a RED person aka my wardrobe, but there are some pretty suggestions here. I usually go for ‘Just a Touch’ of red. 🙂

    1. That’s all you need just a touch of red…….get a great scarf, or those booties are to die for!

  2. I love autumn, but find your advice about layering is now appropriate even here in California. Afternoons are still often hot even though mornings and evenings have cooled off. I’m glad to see plaids making a come-back. I’ve always loved them. I also like red, but Hubby doesn’t like me to wear it, so I usually opt for deep rather than bright.

    1. Barbara you can wear any shade of red you like this year and yes, the plaids are in too! It’s a win-win situation for us all. Enjoy the newest trends for this year.

  3. The last few days, I have been so happy to be pulling out my long sleeves and laying my clothes. I definitely prefer fall weather, even if it does require the layers to make it through the whole day. The darker reds, maroon, is my preferred color to wear in red and I do love a beautiful plaid! That is a very pretty square neck blouse you have featured. It looks very comfortable.

    1. Glad you enjoy this season. I too am digging out my longer sleeved tops, sweaters and such. The leaves and birds are just incredible. Love all the changes in our surroundings. Enjoy!

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