Category: Fashion Tips for Women

Amazing Little Black Dresses You Must Have One!

There is one item that every woman should have in her wardrobe.  That is a Little Black Dress. I know we have all heard about that “Little Black Dress (LBD)” and how important it is to have one.  I’m here to tell you that it is true.  A black dress is something that will become …

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One Fantastic Place for all Your Special Fashion Desires

Sometimes you need a favorite place for all your special Fashion desires!  I think I have found the Place for you! When Plus size women go shopping most of the time there is no one there to help them with their special desires and needs.  Plus size can be very different for every woman out …

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How to Increase the Life of Your Favorite Summer Outfits

 Summer is coming to an end, but you can increase the time to wear your favorite summer Blouses and Tops with just a few additions to your wardrobe. I have so many summer tops that I love and when the end of August and early September arrive, I am saddened to have to put those …

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When is the Right Time to Feel Your Best!

When is the right time to feel your best?  The PERFECT time is now! Right now I am very angry.  You might want to know why and I will tell you.  My beautiful soon to be daughter in law was made to feel less than perfect while out shopping for a new dress!  I’m angry …

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Fall is in the Air, Fashion Up for Warmth Now

There is no doubt about it, Fall is in the air and now’s a great time to get those fashion items to keep you warm and toasty right through to 2018! Fall fashion trends for women include lots of layering and colors galore.  It’s the time of year when nature puts on one really fantastic …

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Introducing New Feminine Styles for Fall Fashion Success

Everyone is getting on the Fall Fashion Style Bandwagon That’s not a bad thing.  When the seasons change, it’s nice to look forward to something new in our wardrobes.   Fall Fashion Success comes in knowing what the  nerwest trends are going to be!  Then you can look at what you have in your wardrobe …

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Womens Spring Wardrobe: Transitions for Stylish Spring Clothes

Stylish Spring Clothes and updating your Women’s Spring Wardrobe doesn’t have to be difficult. Many times women are at a loss when it comes to transitioning their wardrobe from Winter to Spring.  Everyone loves the change in the seasons and we love to show that change in how we dress.  But, and here’s the big …

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Oh Joy, Spring is Here! It’s Time to Dress Yourself Happy!

Everyone is Happy, Spring is finally right around the corner and it’s high time to dress in a spirit of joy! Everyone is feeling so much lighter now that Winter Coats are being put away!  Hopefully, where ever you live, the weather has been showing signs of warming up!  Today where I live it’s definitely …

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10 Ways to Boost Your Classic Spring Wardrobe

Winter is giving way to Spring and if you are anything like me, your wardrobe needs a bit of a boost! Everyone is tired of the Winter months and having to layer clothes in order to fight the elements. Guess What? Spring is almost here and everyone is sighing in relief! The problem is with …

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Fabulously Easy Fashion Advice for Women 50 Plus

Women 50+ are still a formidable group in the workforce! Having said that, if you are still in the workforce, having some knowledge of dressing for work will help you stay in control of your wardrobe. If you are re-entering the workforce after raising your children, these tips will help you too! Our focus here …

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