Be Bold Be Nice Be Wonderfully Comfortable Poolside!

Poolside adventures await everyone this summer!

There isn’t a time during the summer months when you will be happy to be either poolside or lakeside!  When the temperatures start to reach their peak, you just know that water will quench the warmth .    If you are anything like me, hanging out in my bathing suit only is not my idea of fun.  Add a flirty feminine cover-up and my blood pressure starts to return to normal.  It’s not that I don’t wear bathing suits,  I do.  I swim everyday for an hour, but, waltzing around in my swimsuit is not my idea of fun.

Cover Ups to the Rescue!

Once I am out of the water, I want something easy to slip on, that will make me look feminine yet casual and fun.  That’s what summer is all about.  At the same time I want my comfort.  That means wearing a nice cover-up of some sort.

Today we have lots of choices in that department.  You can get cover-ups that are specifically made for swim suits or you can wear one of the many maxi dresses as a cover up too.  I happen to like this one that I found while searching our some really nice alternatives.  Let me know what you think!

swim suit cover ups, comfortable, easy wear dresses

Sleeveless Stripe Patchwork Expansion Wome…

Sleeveless Stripe Patchwork Expansion Women’s Maxi Dress [More]

Price: $56.89
Sale: $39.42

Would this be something that you would wear?

I like the colors, the pattern and the style of this little number.  Talk about comfort!  This is it all rolled up into a really nice look.

Are you more of a floral type of gal?  Thank goodness for so many choices.  This one done up in a floral pattern will make you look amazing.

swim suit cover ups, summertime dresses, easy wear and care clothes

Spaghetti Strap Floral Print Split Womens …

Spaghetti Strap Floral Print Split Women’s Maxi Dress [More]

Price: $48.70
Sale: $29.11

For an added touch of class just add some really nice strappy sandals and you are ready to go from the poolside to dinner with your favorite side kick.

Of course if you don’t want to show off quite so much cleavage, there are other options as well.  Just know that any of these dresses can be worn over a bathing suit or they can be worn as a dress.  I love being able to make one thing work  two jobs.

How about this little number!

swim suit cover ups, summertime dresses, maxi dresses, easy wear and care

Print Three-Quarter Sleeve V-Neck Womens M…

Print Three-Quarter Sleeve V-Neck Women’s Maxi Dress [More]

Price: $42.36
Sale: $28.99

Same idea, but again a whole different “feel” to the dress. Summer dresses are wonderful and cool too, because you want comfort above all.   Soft and light with splashes of color to just stop you in your tracks.  This is a winner in my books and I bet you will have compliments galore coming your way.


Each of these dresses are easy care and easy wear, just right for summer.  Available in lots of sizes just for you!

You know you need at least one of these as a wardrobe basic and for holidays it’s even better.  If you are a swimmer like me, then one or two would be even better.

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