Attention: Are You Rocking Your Beautiful Plus Size Figure?

Here’s a shout out to all ladies living in the States, that are Happy with their style and Rocking it everyday!

Ask any Plus Size Woman and she will tell you that there are not nearly enough of us visible in the General Public!

We are shunned, made fun of, disregarded and worse!  The question is “Why”?

In this day and age of fitness and skinny being of the utmost importance, we plus size women are left behind even though we are fit and fabulous too!

model search, plus size model search, pizzazzplusfashion, olivia

Image by arvndvisual on Pixabay

It’s time to Change all That!


ASHLEY STEWART  is on the look out for the next brand ambassador for their Plus Size Lines.  Could it be you? To enter you click on Faces of 2019 in blue.  That will take you to the entrant’s page.Faces of 2019!

There are lots of great prizes to be won and the best part, being the face that is recognized as the Face of Ashley Stewart!

Not only will you be making a statement for the whole of Plus Sized Women, but there are wonderful prizes and a chance to really make a ripple in the fashion world for all of us!

Finally There is Something Wonderful Happening in the Full Figure World

Now is the time to enter!  Ashley Stewart wants to give you a  chance at a host of prizes and a whole year’s contract to be the face of the Plus Size Women’s Movement.  Don’t sit back, now is the time to enter.  Take up the baton and enter yourself and let the whole world know how much you shine.  You will not only gain a following, but you will gain in growth of your personal brand and style.  Being the Face of Ashley Stewart 2019 will help grow!  This is BIG!

Ashley Stewart not only has great fashions for Plus Sized women, but the whole Brand is dedicated to women who exemplify the Ashley Stewart ideal of a caring, confident and upstanding person.

You could be her! Enter the Finding Ashley 2019 Contest to become the AS 2019 Brand Ambassador plus other amazing prizes!


Now is the time to enter and see if you have what it takes to show the world your beauty and the lovely clothes that are the hallmark of Ashley Stewart!



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