Amazing Little Black Dresses You Must Have One!

There is one item that every woman should have in her wardrobe.  That is a Little Black Dress.

I know we have all heard about that “Little Black Dress (LBD)” and how important it is to have one.  I’m here to tell you that it is true.  A black dress is something that will become a staple in your wardrobe.  It is easy to dress up or dress down.  You can wear it to almost any occasion.  You will never, ever feel self conscious when wearing it either!

little black dress, lilysilk business dress, perfect little black dress



That Little Black Dress Will Come to the Rescue

Once you invest in this piece for your wardrobe, you will always find a place to wear it.  The beauty of the Little Black dress (LBD) is that you can literally wear it almost anywhere.  Let’s say you are invited to dinner at a fancy or not so fancy restaurant. What do you wear?   That little black dress will be the perfect item to wear.  Dress it up with a fancy scarf, a nice piece of jewelry or a lovely belt and you are set to go.  There is rescue #1.

Rescue #2

You are coming up for a performance review.  You are already nervous, because you really want to come across as poised and in control.  Well, your little Black Dress will have you feeling confident and at ease about your appearance.  The rest of the review you will have to handle.  You know you can do it too!

Rescue #3

It’s Friday and you haven’t decided what you are doing after the work week is over.  Well it won’t matter!  Your little Black dress will take you from the office to a Museum, Art Show, Movie or just about anywhere else too!  Wearing a black dress to work is perfectly business like and once the day is done, you are set for anything.

Rescue #4

The boss has just let you know that tomorrow there will be an important meeting that all your co-workers are requested to attend.  No one knows what it’s about, but there are rumors filtering through the grapevine.  Your little black dress would be a perfect outfit to wear to that meeting.  Not overdressed but definitely a “you mean business” outfit.

Accessories are a must have with your Little Black Dress.

Accessories are the punctuation marks in the way you dress.  A scarf, a light sweater, a string of beads, or a plain gold chain can add that exclamation mark to your outfit.

Here are some great accessories that you will love and will get so much use out of with other outfits as well.  Because we are focused on this Black dress, any other color of accessory will match.  Choose a favorite color and add that bit of sparkle to your dress. Earrings and matching necklace are about all you would need to make this dress just rock.

Now if you are looking for a cardigan or a light wrap that is easily a great addition and would keep you warm if the night was on the cooler side.

Go out there and get yourself set up with a beautiful Little Black Dress that will take you places you have only dreamed of.








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  1. Everyone needs at least one little black dress in their wardrobe! Mine is my most often go to dress for any dress worthy occasion. The dress you featured is really pretty. Sure wish I was still that skinny!

    1. I Know what you mean Cynthia, but the beauty of a little black dress is that it makes us look a little slimmer without having to try too hard. Lilysilk does a great job in having many sizes available as well. So if you are comfortable in your own skin, go for it! This is one item in a woman`s wardrobe where a little more should be spent for a good quality dress that you know you will wear and wear.

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