9 Sensual and Timeless, Adorable Silk Robes for You

We all want presents that are going to knock our socks off! This collection of beautiful Robes will do just that.

So many times we are asked as the holidays approach, “What would you like for Christmas?”.  I know my husband has asked me that more times than I can imagine. Every year, in the hopes that he gets his creative mind working, I say, “oh I don’t know, surprise me!”

This year will be different!  I know what I would like to have and I will make that really clear to him too!

Some men are totally clueless when it comes to buying something  special for their wives or girlfriends.  Help them out and don’t be disappointed.

Men really want help!

Over the years I have spoken with many men about their gift giving habits.  The bottom line is that they really want help to understand what it really is that their “other half” would enjoy.

While women tend to drive themselves crazy with ideas, men tend to go the much simpler route.

Just as an example:  She likes to make things, so I will get her a craft item that she would use.  My BFF ended up with 13 glue guns.  She is handy, and spends a lot of time on making wonderful things, but who needs 13 glue guns?  I’m sure she would have swooned over a beautiful Silk Robe! 

Give your “other half” a heads up and let him know that instead of some hobby items, you would really enjoy something from Lilysilk.  It’s so much nicer than getting yet another glue gun.

Need a holiday gift on your shopping list? Don't pass up this amazing Lilysilk Thanksgiving sale today! $10 OFF $200+ and more up to 60% off deals online, free shipping offer. Visit the store now

Silk Robes

There is nothing as wonderful as wrapping yourself in a silk robe unless of course there are silk pajamas to match as well.

Thanksgiving is coming up and then Christmas shopping will start in earnest.  Why not help your mate to do something really nice early in the shopping season, so he can take advantage of the “specials” offered!

Lilysilk has wonderfully styled robes that are made of the finest Mulberry silk.  These robes are beautiful, feminine and lovely to wear.  There will be no mistaking the fact that you will love this gift and wear it often. The man in your life will be pleased as punch that he finally got it right!  This is a gift that will be enjoyed by both the giver and the recipient.


You may also enjoy reading about matching Silk Pajamas! Just click on this link and it will take you there!


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  1. The Grey silk loooks great, I alos love the red one thanks for sharing at the Pit stop!
    ~Julie Syl

    1. I really like all of them but I have to agree, the grey silk is one of my favorites. Thanks for the visit and come back again soon.

    • Sue on November 11, 2016 at 2:24 am
    • Reply

    Love the burgundy colour. Very stylish

    1. It’s a really nice color, isn’t it?
      I like the burgundy and the purple they are my favorites.

  2. Beautiful robes and they look so sexy and comfortable!

    1. The perfect gift Mary for a lot of Ladies I think. It’s also warm in winter and cool in summer. Silk is like that, being a natural fiber.

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